Luciano Serruya Aloisi

Software developer from Trelew, Chubut, Argentina šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·

Git hooks with husky on a monorepo

Let's suppose your monorepo consist of a frontend directory and a api directory. If you want to only exec...

Add full-text search to your Firebase app

As it is publicly known, Firestore as a database does not allow full-text searches. So in case you wou...

Develop and deploy Firebase-based REST APIs

Firebase is an awesome product suite. You can use its client SDKs to add back-end functionalities to...

Developing locally with Firebase šŸ”„

In case you ever used any Firebase product in a project, you would quickly realize that you were always hitti...

Deploying full-stack applications with Firebase

*This note was firstly meant to be part of this other note, but I then decided to write it as a ...

Running Cloud SQL proxy with docker-compose

Create a service account key file and name it serviceAccount.json right next to your `docker-compo...

Wordpress docker image with host user + docker-compose

FROM wordpress # Taken from here: #

Notes on Dagger for Android

These are some notes I wrote back when I was doing some Android development and started learning about Dagger. I'm q...

TypeScript: sharing type definitions seamlessly between server and client (with React.js)

This note will not be a fully detailed tutorial, as it...

TypeScript: sharing type definitions seamlessly between server and client (with Vue.js)

TL;DR - Have both your server code and client code w...

Firebase, am I right?

Oh, Firebase. Didn't we all fell in love it with when we just knew it? I know I did. Although I think is an awesome tool...

Angular Universal: what they don't tell you

Angular Universal: what they don't tell you ng add @nguniversal/express-engine and we are good to go?. Technically, yes, but you should keep...

Building a full-stack app with Next.js - Pagination

Hey there! This is the fourth (and maybe last) part of a series about building a full-stack ...

Building a full-stack app with Next.js - CRUD operations

Hello there! This is the third part of a series about building a full-stack app with Ne...

Building a full-stack app with Next.js - Adding a database

Hello there! This is the second part of a series about building a full-stack app with...

Building a full-stack app with Next.js

In my last article I talked about SEO, SSR, and how Next.js can help us in those matters. In this new art...

My take on Next.js

Hi! My name is Luciano Serruya Aloisi, I'm a 23-years old software developer from Trelew, Chubut, Argentina šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·. I've been wan...